Neighbourhood Characteristics and Residential Satisfaction: A Study of Greater Mumbai City

Vidya Yadav, R. B. Bhagat, Arun Kumar Yadav


This study assesses the level of residential satisfaction and its major determinants in different housing typologies of Greater Mumbai City using primary data collected from 450 households in five different housing typologies (i.e., high-rise buildings, old colonies, chawls, slums and slum-rehabilitated buildings). For analysis of data, Bi-virate tables, One-way ANOVA test, Pearson correlation and OLS regression were done. Results indicate that despite being proximate to one another, the housing typologies have different levels of satisfaction with their dwellings. Slum and chawl neighbourhood shows low residential satisfaction compared with other housing types. The OLS regression exhibits that duration of residence, family type, household ownership and household congestion are significant determining factors for residential satisfaction. Housing development should direct the designing of houses to culturally fit for the community people living in them. The study recommends finding out more ways to make dwelling places, especially slums, Slum rehabilitated houses and chawls more satisfying for sustainable development.

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