Can Polycentrism Stimulate the Provision of Social Services of General Interest?

Daniel Rauhut, Pedro Palma, Alois Humer


This paper aims to discuss the extent to which polycentrism as a strategic vision impacts on the provision of three selected Social Services of General Interest (SSGI). A multivariate cross-section OLS regression model is used to estimate the relative impact of polycentrism on the provision of SSGI. This study uses Eurostat and ESPON data. The findings indicate that polycentrism on a national level appears to have no impact on low, medium or high centrality services. The GDP/capita has the strongest impact on the SSGI provision on low and medium centrality services. The findings indicate the presence of spatial patterns in the SSGI provision. The findings raise the question to what extent polycentrism and the Cohesion Policy will achieve the policy ambitions.

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